Sid Peacock’s Surge Orchestra

Surge stands for Sidist Utopian Revolutionary Groove Ensemble and is driven by the understanding that music can bring about fundamental shifts in our perception of reality. Hallucination, visions, outer space alien invasions whilst you’re doing a bit of gardening along with many other tales of everyday madness. These provide the inspiration for uplifting, chaotic and emotionally charged music.
Surge was founded in Birmingham in 2003 with a commission from Paul Murphy to mark the St Patrick day celebrations. Since then they have performed regularly in Birmingham, Belfast, Cheltenham and London festivals. Their last CD La Fête was broadcast on Radio3’s Jazzon3 programme and the CD launch at Mac, Birmingham featured British Jazz great Django Bates as special guest. 2019 will see the release of their 3rd CD Valley of Angels.
As a result of Sid Peacock’s Associate Artist at mac position supported by Arts Council England Surge has expanded to a 20 piece Orchestra. A whack of newly commissioned music inspired by the Bog Gothic writings of Patrick McCabe gave life to pieces about afternoon disco biscuits in small town pubs and heavenly vision by ancient Saints and glue sniffing punks. Out of the chaos comes moments of tranquility and beauty, sincere tenderness and deep melancholy. Surge is redefining the Orchestra for the 21st Century and embodies the Birmingham motto of Forward.

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